Index Manual


The tournament screen shows you a list of lakes you can fish. You can toggle between a 3-day tournament or fish for one day only.

The contour map shows the launching docks (yellow dots), you will be assigned a dock automatically when the tournament starts.

Everything you do takes time and you only get 6 hours of fishing time per day.

When ready to fish, launch your boat.

launching dock

Your launching dock can be different on each day of the tournament, you start next to this dock and you must return to it for weigh-in, before the day ends.

weigh in

If you miss the weigh-in you forfeit your daily catches. So be sure not to miss it! To help remind yourself, you set your wristwatch alarm 60 minutes before weigh-in.

To weigh in, simply return to your dock (at least 2 tiles away) and wait for your outboard motor to cut off. See navigating for more on using your boat.

The top 10 daily standings are shown, with your name in green. If you had the misfortune of placing below 10th position, your name and standing is listed at the very bottom.

Click or press any key to start the next day of the tournament.

tournament results

After you fished all 3 days, your daily weights are totalled up for the final tournament results.

top lunkers of all time

If you are lucky or skilled enough to catch a big fish, your name is added to the wall of top lunkers, which persists between tournaments so you always have proof of the big one that didn't get away.

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